Womens' Ministry


The Women’s Ministries at Potter’s House Church of God is a group of ladies who are devoted to the Lord Jesus Christ, each other, and the community in which we live.

We participate in a number of activities each week, including: Bible studies and intercessory prayer groups: social functions such as Ladies luncheons and tea’s; outreach ministries such as nursing homes and ministry to the homeless; fund-raising ministry to the homeless; and fund-raising opportunities to help finance our endeavors.

God Bless you!!

MOnthly Women's group

The first Friday of every month at 7pm is a special therapeutic women’s service! It is a special time for healing, fellowship, prayer and praise. Women of all ages are welcome. If you need a ride, please call 860-303-5065 for the church van to pick you up.

Women's Bible Study

Meets Tuesdays at 9:30am at the home of Robin Watrous.