Music Ministry


Our mission is intended to keep each area of this ministry focused toward our similar goals: to advance and conduct authentic and God-honoring, life-changing worship.  Corporate Worship is intended to be diverse and exciting.  We at the Potter’s House Church of God strive to create an atmosphere where we can freely worship and adore our Lord and Savior in a more intimate way to reach God’s heart.  Our Worship music is a combination of old and new songs as well as contemporary songs which bring honor and glory to our Lord.  Our goal is to strive to be the best with our gifts and talents that God has blessed us with as a team effort, to support and encourage one another when facing difficult situations.  God has given us a vision for worship ministry.  Our goal is to have this vision support and amplify the mission and purpose of the church.

Our mission is based on scripture….Psalm 9:1-2 “I will praise you, oh Lord, with all of of my heart, I will tell of all your wonders, I will be glad and rejoice in you, I will sing praise to your name, Oh Most High”.